We continue to be a happy bunch of 4 (Jay, Elvis, baby, me) down here in Texas. On Tuesday, June 19th we had our 20 week ultrasound. This is the "big ultrasound" where they check all the organ development, make sure the spine and skull are complete and closed, bones are developing, etc. The tech and doc also calculate the baby's size and, when possible, confirm the sex. As we expected to hear, we are definitely expecting a baby boy Romano this Fall. Apparently, our little guy is actually BIG! He is measuring a week and half ahead of schedule. We know our dates aren't off - we were visiting the fertility docs and they are schedule freaks - so it looks like, for now, he's just BIG! I'm not going to lie, it made me feel great to know that he is getting all the nourishment he needs. Selfishly, it also feels good to know the weight I am gaining is going where it should!
My favorite part was when the tech and doc said he had a "very pretty heart" and they wanted to bring in the med students. I didn't even know what that meant but my heart was swollen with pride - my son has a pretty heart! What a beautiful thing!
For the record, it meant they could see each of the 4 chambers perfectly. They did say they were going to use his ultrasound images for the med students later. Love it!
Seeing our baby, our son (!), healthy, moving around, safe, was a beautiful experience. We both teared up and then laughed. I am trying to live in each of these moments and not get to anxious about the end of the pregnancy. The privelage of being pregnant and participating in this life miracle is beyond words. Grateful doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. My son and his perfect little heart. Life is good.