Thank God Almighty, sold at last! Yesterday, we closed on the sale of our townhouse in Houston. Papers signed, keys exchanged, checks deposited. 3636 W. Clay Unit E is officially SOLD!
The couple who bought it were very nice, probably my age, maybe a little younger. It's their first house so they were excited, nervous. It seemed perfect that our first home is now another couple's first as well. Even with all the excitement, it was definitely nostalgic to walk through the house one last time. That's where we began - all the good, the bad, the ugly and the crazy. That's where we started. It seems right that we have new walls now. New walls to witness our new life. But the walls at 3636 W. Clay were the first witnesses to "us". Sigh..... we had a moment, then I dug up St. Joseph and headed to the closing table.
Friday morning felt like Christmas. The big gift under the tree? ONLY ONE MORTGAGE NEXT MONTH!!!! Not to mention no more double electric, water, gas and property insurance bills. Or additional home repair. Or yard work. And then, of course, the absolute relief that comes with having a financial weight lifted. SOLD, SOLD, SOLD!!! Isn't it the most beautiful four letter word you've ever heard?

It may not have the same ring as "summering in the Hamptons", but my two week vacation in Ohio worked for me. Let's see....some of the highlights.....well, Nikki, Austin and I were home at the same time - TRIFECTA!
My mom, Nikki and Jessica (and Norma) hosted my first baby shower...on an almost ridiculously perfect weather day. Say what you might about Ohio, but there are few places in July a person can enjoy a sunny day with temperatures in the low 80s with low humidity. Baby showers, I've decided, are way more fun than wedding showers - not so much pressure. Basically, I just felt like Nick's proxy. Eating the food, opening the gifts and thanking the guests on his behalf. AND, it's the perfect setting to talk endlessly about the baby without worrying people are getting annoyed. Perfect day with perfect are some of the photos...
Take a guess at which ladies are my mom and sister. It was great to see Aunt Marilyn, Kerry, Aunt Jo and Grandma. Especially since they made the drive to and from Mansfield in one day! I know my aunts are anxiously waiting to tell Nick about how cool I thought I was while growing up, and of course, to point out that I am happily living the suburban housewife life I swore I wouldn't! Oh well, I'm thoroughly enjoying my piece of humble pie.
Oh, Gerken. While I still think you are nuts for driving back and forth from Nashville for the shower, it doesn't compare to how much I appreciated it. Although I hope I am a pretty good friend, my friends inspire me to work on becoming a better one. Thanks, girl.
Another favorite moment....checking out the crops with Grandpa and playing 1953 Scrabble with Grandma. Golden. But seriously, Grandma, you're getting a new Scrabble board for Christmas.
I ended up extending my trip and was able to hang out with Heidi and Sophia. Standing in the Boyd's kitchen it's almost like 20 years haven't sped by.....until you see Sophia running around and realize Heidi is somebody's "mommy" and we no longer are the crazy teenagers of Lakota Hills. Lakota Hills itself looks different. Quiet. Like even the neighborhood knows it's moment has passed.
Since Paul, Heidi fighter-pilot husband was flying in the Dayton Air Show, we went up on Saturday. It was crazy cool and I suggested Heidi should have a shirt made that reads "My husband has a cooler job than your husband" (sorry, Jay). It's nuts to think the same guy sitting across from you feeding his daughter pulled pork was just doing Top Gun-like stuff moments before. For the record, I was literally biting my tongue a little bit when I overheard one pilot say something about being inverted.....I really wanted to blurt out....what about the mig! (Top Gun reference. What the hell is a mig anyway?)
Seriously, is Sophia not over the top cute, or what? I wish Heid and I could spend more time together. We do a pretty good job keeping in touch considering the distance. Again, the value of fantastic friends.....