So, here I full year officially into my 30s...and can I tell you, so far it really IS fabulous!
I could go through a litany of reasons on why I'm digging life, but some are private (I know, imagine that, I'm learning about privacy) and some are just obvious - how better to celebrate my birthday than with my baby shower - but all just add up to a great year. Life can get so out of control sometimes -- so off the track you know you should be on. At times I was afraid maybe I wouldn't be able to hop back on the right track, let alone find it! But then I would hear my mom's voice pop into my head..."Adelante, mi amor, siempre adelante." And so that's what I would do - move forward.....and get out of my own way:) And so here I am. Praise God!
Ying/yang, laws of the universe, etc., tell me that not all my birthdays will be the bookends to such blissful years. That's why, this year, my gift to myself is to relax, enjoy the moment and thank my Mama. Te adoro, Ma. Thank you for making it through the drug-less labor, emergency c-section and my adolescence.

Thank you, thank you, thank everyone from the Romano/Colonnetta clan for the baby shower last weekend. The food was delicious and the company perfect. I hope that everyone had as much fun as I did celebrating Nick's upcoming arrival. Of course, it was extra special since both my mom and my sister flew in to join me! Outside of Jay and I, I think my mom is the most excited for Nick's birth. She is a phenomenal mother -- I can only imagine her as a grandmother. It will most likely be more fun than being a mother -- she can relax and enjoy it more!
And what can I say about the gift from Dana and Teresa? It was as if Dana took every thought, every prayer and every promise I have silently made and composed this amazing poem for Nicholas. I wasn't able to hold back my emotion and I know I wasn't the only dry eye in the room. And the care and detail that Teresa put into the's truly humbling to have friends like that.
On a side note, it appears my blood pressure is a little high so I've been ordered to lay low this week. I'm just taking it as God's reminder that He needs me to let go a little more and let Him finish His perfect work.

Regardless of how you feel about the war in Iraq, President Bush, Congress, Muslims, Democrats or the price of oil, today just be glad someone is out protecting your right to feel anything.
Here's to all of the men and women, and their families at home who sacrifice daily so that we can live in relative peace. Let's think about the fact that we remembering an attack six years ago and not the continuous attacks that could be occurring here if it weren't for the soldiers, sailors and airmen who are stationed all over the world.
So, hug a soldier today. If not in person, then do it by saying a prayer thanking God they exist and asking for their protection.
Here's my shout out and "hug" to my cousins Kevin and Casey....