Disclaimer: This post has little to do with Nick. We are still waiting on his MRI.
With that said.....
So, I'm folding clothes in my bedroom yesterday and talking on the phone with a friend (in full housewife disclosure, I was also likely watching a DVR'd soap), when I notice it's raining - not just outside - but INSIDE my bedroom wall.
Well, shit. I hung up on my friend (sorry, Dis), and just stared at it for a sec. I thought about calling Jason at work but since he had a tough week last week, his son is under evaluation for a bunch of head stuff and he has to prepare for a big meeting in California the next day, thought, well....maybe I can figure out why my bedroom wall is crying. Sadly, I also briefly considered this may be the next Amityville Horror house. But it was water, not blood, so I was on the safe side. Yay!
Next step, I call our builder. It's been five years, but thankfully they not only answered, Village Builders sent a great guy named Larry, right over. By the time Larry showed up, I was already calculating the cost of rebuilding our house, paying for Nick's bills and looking for the swarm of locusts.
Larry's a dad. He has a daughter my age that lives in our neighborhood. After Larry made an assessment of the problem, and I realized I didn't have 1 flashlight with working batteries (REALLY? So disappointed in my hurricane preparedness.), he invited me to go outside and stare up at my roof. He asked me if we had done our yearly roof maintenance check. Huh? He asked me when was the last time my husband was on the roof. Again, really? Apparently the problem was the "pokey things" (not their technical name), likely had some nails loose or gone or that the wind had knocked one just enough to let some moisture seep in. Sooooo, we don't have to rebuild the house? No, actually it can be easily fixed and the moisture was minor. Apparently, I was quite lucky I caught it happening because the wall dried almost immediately leaving no trace of it's crying fit.
Then, Larry took pity on me and decided to just go around my house telling me about things like "media filter" - change it...you don't need all those other filters you have....this is the important one. Something about PVC pipes in the attic and putting bleach down them in the summer months. Another revelation. Larry, being the dad he must be, promptly asked me if I had bleach and then went and climbed into my attic. Finally, he left me with numbers of who to call for the pokey things in the roof, how much it should cost, and his number in case anyone tried to tell us anything differently (aka, more expensive). I almost hugged him.
I called Jay and told him the good news....we are not Handy Manny but the house is fine and we don't have to live in the teepee my mom bought Nick. Score!
In the meantime, I'm chalking this all up to the pleasures of adulthood and not the plagues. But if I were you, I'd check your roof. Especially around the pokey things.
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