I am highly annoyed that he feels he has the right to hound me about this before I have:
A) found the coffeemaker
B) given the dog his gross medicine or
C) realized I was standing in front of my now-completely bare kitchen window in just a towel (that realization came a few minutes later when someone walking their dog waved at me).
Anyway, the conversation went sour quickly. We agreed we should not talk for a minimum of 2 hours.
I'm leaving Bible study thinking how silly it was to get so annoyed. I called the yard guys, left a message, called Jay told him I had a left a message for yard guys and we agreed we were being stupid. It's just stressful with the house up in chaos right now. Yay, God!
Gets better. I pull up to my house and wouldn't you know it....the yard guys are outside my house mulching and getting ready to plant! Funny God, He knew it all along....:)
On a completely unrelated note, here's some cute pics of Nick playing in the park the other day.
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