Thursday, March 4, 2010

Playing catch up...

So, I'm still incredibly excited about the Flip camera and have been taking tons of video, but I'm having a technical difficulty sharing all the fun. In the meantime, I thought I'd catch you up through pictures....enjoy!
Nick currently loves "helping" in the kitchen. He has his own apron and insists Jay and I wear our aprons when cooking.
A favorite time of year in Houston is late's Rodeo time in Houston, y'all! The Friday of the BBQ cook-off, which officially kicks off the season, is known as "Go Texan Day". The kids are encouraged to dress up for school. Here's a cute pic of Nick as a little cowboy.

In other news, Jay and I celebrated our 6th year anniversary on February 28th! Without getting too sappy, I can sincerely say we are sweetly enjoying this season of our lives. Watching Nick grow, continuing to grow's a good thing.
But, to every ying, there is a yang.... On our actual anniversary day, we had to rush Elvis to the animal ER. Apparently, he has kidney damage from a presumed infection and a secondary skin infection. We spent some very tense days worrying we may lose him. Currently, he is on treatment and we are cautiously hopeful. He may be only a dog to you, but he was our "first" to Jay and I and we love him beyond measure.

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