Saturday, February 18, 2012

When a negative is a positive

Negative for a brain tumor. DID YOU HEAR ME????? I just wrote/screamed that Nick DOES NOT have a brain tumor! I wish blogs came in all 5 senses because if they did I would be simultaneously shouting, dancing and likely kissing you (but not with tongue, because that would be weird).

We now move forward with the muscular issues and likely surgery, but after these past three weeks that seems like, as Jason would say, "mice nuts". Whatever comes next, you know what it's not....a BRAIN TUMOR!

Your support, emails, calls and texts through this roller coaster journey has been invaluable. And most of all, your prayers.  I am a firm believer in the fact that what we experience in this life, especially those highly emotional experiences are meant to teach us something we need to learn.  I learned that faith is not a religion but rather a daily, sometimes moment by moment CHOICE to believe that God is real and that He is with us always.  It may not always work out in our favor, but He does not abandon us. Also, I've learned that there really is a power in positive energy.  Be a Tigger instead of an Eeyore. And when you can't be a Tigger, at minimum, be a Pooh Bear. Having your head stuck in an empty pot of honey is better than being an "ass" any day.

A very special thank you to our friends Dr. Tad Shirley and his wife, Jennie.  Once again, it's amazing how a few words from a doctor's mouth can change your life.


Tía Ana said...

Gracias Dios. Por fortalecer nuestra familia, con la FE que nos une, ante las pruebas de la vida.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jason and Rene that is awesome news! I am sooo happy for you guys. I have been following this for a while now. Rene I love your blog. I love your humor. Mostly I love you guys. See you around. Love, Kari Harper