Thursday, January 20, 2011

Better than the comedy channel

If you have or have had a 3 year old, you know that those little ones live in the verbal world of a happy drunk.  Whatever they feel, think or experience, just shoots out of their mouth. While I haven't been a mom a LONG time, I have been a mom long enough to know, I will forget all the moments, when in the moment, I thought I would never forget.  With that in mind, here's some of the stuff that Nick, my in-house comedy act, has said lately....
  • Nick: "Mommy, what are those meatball dots on your face?" (Answer: my freckles)
    • Me: "Just something Mommy hasn't gotten lasered off yet."
    • Nick: (springing to action) "I'll do it!" (and he goes to get his Buzz Lightyear blaster)
  • (when he wants a spontaneous hug)  "Mommy, I'll take a hug now."
  • "Mommy, I need to check my feet." .....and then he stands on the scale
  • "Don't worry, it was just a big toot" (said to his pre-school teachers)
  • "Wow, that was a Papa boom" (as he looked in the toilet as saw a gargantuen poo. Papa, by the way is my 6'5" dad)
There are so many more, but I just wanted to put a taste of it to "paper".
Hopefully, I have jimmyrigged the video below so that it actually works. We take a bajillion hours of video but this is one of our faves. Nick LOVES music and dances like a damn fool (or again, 3 year old drunk). Jay's sneaky manuvers finally resulted in capturing Nick dancing, and may I suggest breakdancing to his toons.
Damn, just when you think you want to sell them to the gypsies, those little kids tell you they need to "take a hug" (afterall, you've been asking them to GIVE you a hug), and there you are hoping it never ends.

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